The Great Khafre Hoax: Unpacking Ongoing Viral Pyramid Claims


The Giza Plateau looms over history like a timeless riddle. Its trio of pyramids, Khufu’s towering giant, Khafre’s enigmatic sentinel, and Menkaure’s understated echo, draw the gaze of scholars, dreamers, and seekers for millennia.

But In March 2025, a bold claim emerged adding wild speculation and far out theories. It claimed Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) scans allegedly unveiled multiple unknown internal chambers and a subterranean complex beneath the Khafre Pyramid.

This complex featured eight cylindrical wells plunging 648 meters, and two colossal cubic chambers stretching two kilometers into the earth. 3D renderings fueled a viral tempest across X and YouTube. As the digital clamor continues to persist, the story remains unresolved.

The purported studies researchers Corrado Malanga and Filippo Biondi leave us waiting to hear what the March 16 conference revealed. This tale teeters between revelation and hoax, dismantled by science yet alive in speculation.

Greg Reese Ignited the Khafre Pyramid Viral Hoax

Reese Report
Image: Reese Report Rumble

Greg Reese, a fixture in alternative media, unleashes a bombshell on his Substack on March 18, 2025. He claimed SAR scans by Malanga and Biondi pierce the Khafre Pyramid’s limestone core. Stating scans reveal “huge underground structures”. Reese paints a vivid picture of a hidden world beneath Giza’s sands. His video unveiled compelling images: cross-sectional renderings of a tiered labyrinth, wells threading the earth like dark arteries, and chambers vast enough to dwarf modern engineering. Reese offers no clue about their origins, however.

X became the fertile ground where influential voices foisted this spark into a wildfire. Alex Jones, the bombastic InfoWars host with millions of followers, seizes the images on his March 19 broadcast. He proclaims it “the most important discovery to ever be made in our lifetimes.” Jay Anderson appears on Jones’ live broadcast, a discussion later clipped and replayed on Joe Rogan’s podcast. His appearance thrusting the Khafre Pyramid hoax into mainstream consciousness. Reese’s video renderings became the banner of this digital uprising. Their genesis however entirely unquestioned.

Press Release Amplifies the Hoax


A Substack post from “Occultum” emerged on March 19 under the title “Egypt Discovery 2 KM Below Khafre Pyramid Shows Transformer-Like Electrical Columns.” This post supposedly an official press release, claims the SAR scans reveal “electrical columns” and a “transformer-like” system, leaping into pseudoscientific fantasy beyond Reese’s account. It showcases the same image Reese shares, and likely were taken from his video.

The “report” also contains an image of a previously published book by Malanga & Filippo, an image of the cover page of the 2022 Khufu paper, & screen shots from said paper.

Anderson amplified this press release on Alex Jones’ show. Clips of which were later played on Rogan’s platform. This lends the report a fleeting sheen of credibility and intertwines it with the viral narrative. Even though neither the video nor the substack account offered any link to where the images came from.

Backbone of the Hoax


Malanga and Biondi published a paper on ResearchGate in August 2022. Titled “Synthetic Aperture Radar Doppler Tomography Reveals Details of Undiscovered High-Resolution Internal Structure of the Great Pyramid of Giza,” it targets Khufu’s Great Pyramid, not Khafre. They use SAR data from the COSMO-SkyMed satellite to track micro-movements. These vibrations, stirred by seismic waves, suggested unseen cavities or passages within Khufu’s pyramid. Malanga, then affiliated with the University of Pisa’s Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry, brought a chemist’s precision. Biondi, an engineer at the University of Strathclyde’s Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, supplied the technical rigor.

Where are they Now?

Neither researcher appears on their departments’ faculty listings by March 2025. Malanga’s fringe pursuits possibly lead him to retirement or independent study. Biondi’s perhaps temporary stint likely concluded, leaving his current endeavors unclear. Their 2022 paper remains unendorsed by Egyptologists and untested by excavation. It confines itself to Khufu’s structure. The leap to a Khafre-centric subterranean complex narrative stems from this 2025 viral hype. We await Malanga and Biondi’s clarification on this bridge of speculation.

Image Credit: YouTube @EXPEDITIONNicoleCiccolo

Malanga and Biondi aligned their passion for historical mysteries with Nicole Ciccolo, a YouTuber from the Expedition channel. She promoted their conference on March 16, 2025, in Bologna, Italy, organized with Archeoares, a group tied to cultural events. This event promised to unveil the researchers’ Khafre Pyramid findings. Ciccolo’s videos brim with anticipation and frame it as a seismic shift in pyramid lore. Her audience prepares for a revelation that could rewrite history. The date passes, and a void opens. No papers have emerged, no footage has surfaced. No official statement clarifies the event’s substance. As of March 21, 2025, we wait to hear what Malanga and Biondi present. Will they substantiate the subterranean complex or distance themselves from the hype?

Scientific Evidence Raises Doubts

Luis Alvarez
Image Source: Search for Hidden Chambers
in the Pyramids

Scientific inquiry builds a fortress of truth over hype. Physicist Luis Alvarez turned cosmic ray detectors on the Khafre Pyramid in 1965. He harnesses particles from the cosmos to peer through its stone heart. Alvarez concluded solid limestone fills it from base to bedrock. No hidden chambers or plunging wells emerged. Only the unyielding core of an ancient monument. The Scan Pyramids Project (who’s site is still down) brought muon tomography to Giza half a century later. This method captures subatomic particles to map unseen spaces. It uncovered the “Big Void” above Khufu’s Grand Gallery, an anomaly under scrutiny. Khafre remains silent, its depths free of fantastical structures.

Image Source: Shallow geophysical techniques to investigate the groundwater table at the Great Pyramids of Giza, Egypt © Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License

Researchers have also swept the Giza Plateau’s subsurface with ground-penetrating radar (GPR) with a 2019 study published in Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems. Their signals probed limestone and sand for aquifers. They mapped a solid foundation, unscarred by sprawling complexes or deep wells. This geological study challenges the 2025 claims.

Experts assessing SAR technology, the cornerstone of Malanga and Biondi’s work. They describe it as a master of surfaces, tracking vibrations and mapping terrain. Its waves falter against deep earth, though. Imaging 648 meters below ground exceeds today’s science. The Khafre Pyramid subterranean complex scans appear technically impossible unless the researchers hold unrevealed evidence.

Finally, Some Pushback


Dr. Robert Schoch, a renowned geologist and Giza expert, addresses the viral Khafre Pyramid claims in a statement released on March 21, 2025.

Well, We’re Waiting


This tale reflects our thirst for hidden truths beneath the desert sands. It remains unresolved as of March 21, 2025. Greg Reese’s shadowy images spiral a 2022 Khufu study into a Khafre Pyramid fantasy. The March 16 conference teases answers, yet we wait to hear what Malanga and Biondi reveal. No findings, follow-ups, or proof has emerged since the event. Science asserts no subterranean complex exists beneath Khafre. Giza guards its secrets with stone, not speculation. Until the researchers speak, this ongoing viral hoax echoes loudly.

As of March 22nd, a YouTube video from Nicole Ciccolo has been posted where indeed Malanga and Biondi, we can now confirm, were behind the press release on the occultum substack. Some may take this a win, but it only leaves this author disappointed as I was hoping Malanga and Bondi were not associated with the images circling.

Come back to AncientHistoryX for the final verdict.

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